
Friday 14 June 2013

Blaster Master - Blasting Again [U] ISO

Blaster Master - Blasting Again [U] ISO

Description :

Our old champion Jason, weary of his battles has passed away and his heroic crown has fallen to Roddy his only son and heir. It is Roddy, with the help of his sister Elfire, that is destined to seek out and destroy the treacherous half flesh, half machine mutations that are steadily multiplying beneath the earth. Having depleted the space they have occupied since their supposed demise, they are now burrowing their way to the very core of the Earth and ultimately threatening the stability of the entire planet. Roddy must trek through the Earth's crust and find a way to stop this terrible infestation. Like wood worms they will leave the Earth rotten, a dusky husk that will collapse in on itself.
Roddy will reveal the secret of Eve, his alien mother, and will uncover the idiosyncrasies of Sophia, and will fight and win.

Y'know, I wonder if the folks at Sunsoft who put this together had been playing too much Phantasy Star IV. Some elements of the game seem to be borrowed from PSIV. First and probably the biggest notice is Roddy looks like a Chaz clone only with a different hairdo and a few minor changes in the armor, not to mention both of them being emotional as lost puppies. Elfie not only looks like Alys, but acts like her as well. And I hated both of them. And Jason does look very similar to Hahn.

As for the game itself, it had a rough past. Sunsoft was undergoing some troubles which eventually forced them to go back to Japan where they belong (not an insult). After about a year of delays, the game was canned and Blaster Master fans everywhere were heartbroken. I wonder if the game was redone before its release. I recall seeing a cover that looked different, as well as reading a different plot, stating Jason died long before this game takes place, not just two years.

Then along comes Crave...

Crave manages to earn my award for least favorite game making company because of what they did to Earthworm Jim and then made those crappy Men in Black games. Publishing this doesn't save them. They had nothing to do with the actual production of the game.

The plot is kind of interesting. It talks about how Jason, the original hero of Blaster Master, was killed a couple of years before this game takes place in a fight with the Lightning Beings. Lightning Beings are half-flesh, half-machine aliens that slowly devour a planet, eventually destroy it, then move on to a new host (Lavos, anyone?). With the hero gone and the Lighting Beings back, Earth's only hope is in Jason's children.

There are a couple of holes here, such as how old Jason was suppose to be in the original game. According to Blaster Master, he was 15 or 16, but according to this is was in his 20s. Then again, what series doesn't have them?

Playing the game is fairly simple. You drive around in the tank SOFIA J-7, shooting stuff. You can collect an item here or there. When you need to, you can send Roddy out of SOFIA to wander around or go where SOFIA can't such as into a catacomb to do something similar to what you do when in SOFIA. In catacombs, there can by puzzles you have to solve such as locking and unlocking doors, disabling barriers, or figuring out how to kill those damn Lightning Beings that get bigger when you shoot them (although they're laughable when you figure out how to kill them. Took me about half an hour to figure it out).

The controls work pretty smoothly and responsive, although the positioning of the Playstation buttons means you often have to change your thumb position when fighting some enemies, and even against the final boss which is pretty nasty. In Roddy mode, the camera is extremely annoying and does affect the controlling of the game.

Replay is probably where this game suffers the most. After you beat it once, there's not much to bring you back to it other than playing through as SOFIA the 3rd or the different difficulty settings. Even then, I never heard it call me.

The graphics appear rather pixelly, but I don't care. I happen to like it that way, thank you. And if you don't like pixelly graphics, you should see the FMVs. The graphics are really good, even for a Playstation game. One problem with the FMVs is, for whatever reason, Roddy and Elfie have this thing about imitating bobbleheads and swinging their heads around, although watching this is as entertaining as the reactions I get from showing people pages of 'The Catcher in the Rye'. Good book, bad language.

Some of the in-game animations look pretty weird. Most enemies animate pretty well, but Roddy's animations are about as good as those of a rock. His running animation looks very strange and his jumping is even worse. He also stands straight up, and when you're looking at his back in the loading screen, his head appears to be twitching worse than it does in the FMVs. Although when he dies, his animation is pretty nice.

The music isn't too bad. It's kind of repetitive, but the boss music when you fight in SOFIA is awesome, actually sounding like a fierce fight. The rest of the time, the music was just kind of there. There is a nice variety of sound effects here from the different items SOFIA has. There's also your enemy sounds, and the little ping-pang-pop of your normal guns.

There are voices here, but in the long run they're average. The Kaiser's voice is really good, probably because he was done by a professional (Jeff Manning; same guy who did Peter Puppy in the Earthworm Jim show). Roddy doesn't sound 15, and Christian Storms gets really lazy sometimes. Eve's voice is more annoying than the Tentacle Mating Call record in Maniac Mansion.  

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