
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Casper (E) ISO

Casper (E) ISO

Description :

Use your ghostly skills to solve complex puzzles, find secret passages, hidden clues, and locate the lost pieces of the dimantled Lazarus Macine. Based on the hit movie, including some of the games great 3D animation, hilarious gags and original character voices, CASPER is a challenging adventure for you, your family and your friends! Just remember to choose your friends carefully!

INTRO --- If you are a modern day gamer who is 11 years old and only plays shooters 24/7, you are probably like the annoying babies that gave this game a 1/10 or 2/10. If you play variety and enjoy video games, you will enjoy this game. This game is a huge puzzle game full of exploring and finding things. Some people just can't appreciate it. If you are reading this review, hopefully you listen and find this beautiful gem somewhere.

GAMEPLAY 11/10 --- The game is a puzzle game which means that the only fighting is bosses and you have to think about how to defeat them. If you only play games like God of War or Dragon Age (which are 2 great games) but don't play puzzle/thinking games then you needn't bother. For it's style, this game is perfect. The gameplay consists of exploring this huge mansion full of secrets that contain an assortment of things. For example, early on you find a barrel. You have no idea what to do with it but as you explore you think and figure out what to do with it (not going to spoil it). The barrel ends up becoming quite useful for finding more secrets and then you find keys which can open doors which let you find more things. You also search for picture pieces which grant Casper new abilities. These abilities are used well to fight your Uncles in boss fights or open new areas to explore. The game also keeps you alert because as you explore, sometimes your uncles have laid out traps and when you try to go somewhere you will be attacked by one of the ghosts and you either have to dodge really fast or you will take damage. And don't get the wrong idea where one key leads to another which leads to another. It is not at all like that.

STORY 9/10 --- The game features a great story. Casper is trying to become human by using this device his father built. His father was a brilliant inventor and spent all his time creating an invention to bring you back to life. It was never used but Casper wants to use it because he meets a man and his daughter who he grows fond of. But his evil uncles destroy the machine and Casper has to forcefully take the pieces of the machine back.

SOUND 10/10 --- Despite what other reviews say, I found the music to be catchy and it fits the game really well. Perhaps if you are getting frustrated because you are stuck, you will start raging and get mad at the music. But anyway, the sound effects are great too. There is not much else to say other than the sound is just right.

CONTROLS 10/10 --- The controls are PERFECT for this game. There are easy to follow, fun, and they really capture that you are playing as a ghost. You can actually fly vertically and move around in a 3D environment. Back when this was first released, this is a pretty big feat because 3D games were still being perfected let alone flying. All ages will love the controls for this game.

OVERALL 10/10 --- This game is a beauty and is great for all ages. This can be a great game for a gamer who wants to play a puzzle game, or it can be great for a child and a parent who go exploring and checking things. There is no violence or frustration really. It may sound boring or annoying, but it is actually really fun getting lost in this huge maze of a mansion and trying to find stuff. The great thing about this game is that it can be played as a group of people all giving ideas and trying to figure out what to do.

CHALLENGE 8/10 --- For this type of game, it is challenging in the way it should be which is spending time and exploring. The game isn't 10/10 challenge which is actually good. I prefer a tough challenge but not something that just drives you to insanity. The game has an assortment of challenges it throws at you. Falling into a trap and taking damage, figuring out a boss while they are tearing you apart, getting lost somewhere in this giant mansion, or just not knowing where to go. You really do need to be patient for this game and if you want a game that you will beat in 4 hours, this isn't the game for you. This game can range from 8-30 hours depending on your memory, luck, and brain.

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Casper - Friends Around The World [U] ISO

Casper - Friends Around The World [U] ISO

Description :

BOO! A kooky spooky curse has been cast on Cast on Casper's mortal mates! Travel the globe to rescue them and jump, levitate, parachute, fling ghostly spheres and spring into action to battle boo bombs, evil spirits,, Casper's unfriendly uncles, and the evil kingpin himself, Kibosh! Scare off evil enemy spirits with ghostly spheres! Travel to 11 different locations around the world! Parachute, levitate and duck to avoid damaging obstacles. 3 skill levels to master: easy, medium, and hard. Pick-up special abilities: strength, speed, and spring!

"The video game equivalent of being punched in the face"

With every video game system comes a list of games that make said system an absolute must-own must-play. Yet, for every great game worth owning, there are at least a dozen or more games that should be avoided like the plague. I realize that this is a game meant for kids, but I think making them play this should be considered abuse.

STORY: 3 / 10

Awful. Kids the world over chill with a ghost, get sent back to their respective countries by an evil ghost named Kibosh (awful name, I know) and everyone knows every detail the WHOLE TIME! Oh, you have to rescue your uncles, too. Yet, though they seem grateful for their respective rescues, they offer no assistance towards your final goal. Upon completion of this... "game"... viewing the exceptionally bad ending offers no satisfaction.

GRAPHICS: 6 / 10

Considering the source material and how awful the rest of the game is, the graphics are not actually too bad at some points. The opening cutscene is serviceable (for a Playstation title, anyway) and some of the character models look pretty good. But as soon as you think there may be redemption to be found with Casper, the game shows it true colors with it's look-alike enemies and horrible level design. It's to the point where the graphics of the last cutscene are worse than the opening scene! Worse! You're supposed to be rewarded for beating a video game!

SOUND: 2 / 10

The music in this game is horribly redundant. It won't seem so bad at first, but after hearing the song tracks repeat you'll be reaching for the mute button in no time.

All of the sound effects range from bad to worse, especially the "boo bombs". Try as I might, I cannot come up with even one sound clip that wasn't worth muting.

On top of everything, the voice acting helps in no way. Casper's one liners make this bad gaming experience much worse. Hearing them once is hard enough. Yet hearing how "spoooook-tacular" an overly pixelated view from the top of the level is over and over again only makes the headache turn into a migraine. Hey Casper, here's a hint: laughing at your own jokes does NOT make them any funnier! But it doesn't stop there: the voice acting on every child simply hurts to hear. Their acting is so bad they're not even credited!

CONTROL: 3 / 10

Sluggish and unresponsive controls absolutely plague this game. You only jump when the game decides. Guided rails are a torture. You're only allowed to walk along horizontal or vertical "rails" that can barely be seen, if at all. Not satisfied with torturing gamers with atrocious controls on guided rails, Casper is not allowed to jump, duck or shoot while on vertical rails! As if all of his "abilities" simply fade away while walking away or towards the screen!

GAMEPLAY: 4 / 10

Ugh. Combine all of the aforementioned "features" of Casper: Friends Around the World and you're left with a mess. At it's heart, C:FAtW is your basic platformer. There are 10 levels, all of which play exactly the same: collect crystals, find a map, find a kid. This wouldn't be so bad by itself. But this game must show off how bad it is with horrid level design and it's pathetic map page mini games.

The level designs are almost boring. They would be if all that was needed was to go straight from point A to point B. But if you want all the crystals, which you need to fight the final boss, you will experience some of the most poorly designed levels in Playstation history. Imagine, if you will, there are 2 or more crystals on the top of a tower. You have to be at the start of the level to reach the top. Falling at any point brings you close to the end of the level. The only way back to the top is to very slowly make your way back to the very beginning of the level, as Casper, a ghost, can neither fly nor pass through walls.

But wait! There's more! You need to find a map page before you can complete any stage. In order to do this you must play the worst version of Brick-out ever conceived. Anything you hit in this mini-game blows up to cover around 60% of the screen, making it very easy to mess up any progress. I mean, honestly, how could anybody developing this even think this was a good idea? Layering the misery on further, should you miss the map page due to the unnecessary graphical obstructions, you lose a life! This must truly have been a really mean joke from the game's designers.

No enemy is redeemable. Bad bosses that are no fun to fight. Look-alike enemies that exercise borderline racism. You get power-ups, but they're more or less a waste of time. In fact, this game is so awful it doesn't even have credits at the end!

OVERALL: 4 / 10

You may be able to find this game at a yard sale for 50 cents. Trust me, save the money. Unless you're into bad games, of course, them jump right in, because this is a prime example of how not to make a video game. Honestly, I boosted the score to a 4 simply out of pity.

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Cart World Series [U] ISO

Cart World Series [U] ISO

Description :

CART World Series a game for the PlayStation, published and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment and released on September 16, 1997. CART World Series is based on the Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) open-wheel racing series.


This game is licensed and features many notable drivers from the late 1990s, such as Greg Moore, Al Unser Jr. and Paul Tracy. The game also features 10 authentic tracks as well as realistic handling and damage. Players can compete in a full year's worth of races competing for points in each race or in simple single races. There are two game modes: arcade and simulation. Arcade mode allows re-spawning of damaged vehicle parts. In Simulation mode, all damage is permanent for the race. The game supports the analog controller.
The play can make many modifications to a car's performance. The player can: adjust the tires to fit the road (hard for ovals or soft for road courses), as well as modify gear ratios and aerodynamics. Moving the front of the car down or slanting the wings may enable the player to find a perfect combination of speed and handling. During simulation mode races, the car's tires will wear down and fuel will deplete (both can be replaced by a pit stop).
In addition to the real drivers and cars (Honda and Ford included), ten official CART tracks have been included – each modeled after its real-life counterpart. Tracks span the United States and are located in Cleveland, Michigan, Long Beach and more. Each features realistic dynamics and road handling in an attempt to create a believable racing experience. In Season Mode, the player will take part in a series of races, for which the player must qualify and race, earning points toward a cup.


This game also features 2-player split screen mode or a Link Cable.

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Carnage Heart - Easy Zapping (Japan) ISO

Carnage Heart - Easy Zapping (Japan) ISO

Description :

Carnage Heart (カルネージハート?) is a video game for the PlayStation, developed by Artdink. Its gameplay is a mecha-based, turn-based strategy game, where the player takes the role of a commander in a war fought by robots. The robots, called Overkill Engines (OKEs), cannot be directly controlled in battle; they must be programmed beforehand to behave in a certain way under certain conditions using a flow diagram system.


The game also features a fairly complex negotiation system that allows the player to purchase, research, or upgrade new equipment and parts. The OKEs themselves can be upgraded as well through this system, allowing for extended use of the same model for as long as possible. The various companies involved in the negotiation process can also provide valuable information about the purchases of the enemy, allowing the player to better plan for the next advancement in enemy technology.

OKE production

The main focus of the game is really in the design and programming of the OKEs. The OKEs will only be ready to produce once they have a complete hardware and software profile. Both of these profiles are stored in the form of a "card" that can be named as the player likes. It is possible for there to be a total of 28 cards but in reality the player may use only 25 as there are three pre-made cards that can not be deleted.
Before a software profile can be created for a card, there must be a hardware profile. The first choice a player must make in the hardware creation process is that of a body type and style. There are four styles of OKE bodies and three designs in each style to choose from. These styles include a two-legged type, a tank type, a multi-legged type, and a flying type. After a body has been selected the player then must choose a main weapon, sub-weapon, engine, CPU, fuel tank size, armor thickness, and any optional equipment. A paint scheme may also be applied here as well. The engine determines how much power the robot has, the body type determines how much of that power can be used to haul mass, and all other options are limited by this. Thick armor is very heavy and usually only found on the tank types, since they are very efficient at using engine power to haul mass, while the flying type OKE will require powerful engines just to fly with the thinnest armor in the game. Each component in the hardware profile adds a certain amount of complexity to the OKE; more complex OKEs will take longer to build and require more advanced factories to produce.
Once a hardware profile has been created the player must create a software profile. The player need not have any skill in programming, however, as the game requires no programming in the traditional sense. Instead the player is given a board, which varies in size depending on the CPU selected during the hardware design phase, on which to place chips to act as a set of instructions. These chips must be placed so as to form a flow chart, with control starting from the top-left of the board, following a path through the chips, and looping back to the top left upon leaving the board. Each chip that is available to the player performs a specific task, and many can be edited to allow more precise control over actions. Most of the player's time in the game is spent creating a program and testing it through virtual battle.
Carnage Heart Software screenshot.
The action associated with a chip is performed when control flow reaches it. Actions include simple movements, aim and fire operations, scan for enemy or friendly units, incoming projectile detection, random number generators (to give, for example, a 50% chance of jumping left), variable assignments and checks, and even rudimentary inter-OKE communications, affected by assigning a color to a "channel" which can then be read by other friendly units.
After the OKEs have been set up properly, players must turn their attention to the various bases they control. It is in these bases that the actual OKEs are created, which are then formed into units, each consisting of three OKEs. OKEs are created in the factories on assembly lines that may be upgraded. The number of lines a factory has depends on the size of the base that factory is in. Some OKE designs require the lines to be upgraded in order to produce the advanced technology that the OKE employs. Sometimes a player will need advanced and powerful OKEs, and sometimes it will be more important to be able to produce a lot of OKEs quickly.


Once a player has created OKEs and formed them into units (with a maximum of three OKEs per unit), they may then assign a task to each unit; these include defending or capturing a base, patrolling, or moving to a specific location. When an enemy unit moves into the same space as one of the player's units, combat begins. The combat is carried out entirely based upon the software that was designed for each OKE during the programming phase.
The playing board itself varies in size depending on the mission. Each mission is the same, however, and only the strength of the opponent and the board itself will change. The mission is always to simply capture each enemy base on the map, and it becomes increasingly difficult as the game progresses.

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Carmageddon (E) ISO

Carmageddon (E) ISO

Description :
Carmageddon is a graphically violent vehicular combat 1997 PC video game. It was later ported to other platforms, and spawned a series of follow-up titles. It was inspired by the 1975 cult classic movie Death Race 2000. The game was produced by Stainless Games, published by Interplay and SCi.
In early 2012, it was announced that a new port of the game will be released for iOS and certain Android mobile devices. The game was released as both a free demo and paid game in 2013.


Die Anna drives through the Coastal Carnage level
In Carmageddon, the player races a vehicle against a number of other computer controlled competitors in various settings, including city, mine and industrial areas. The player has a certain amount of time to complete each race, but more time may be gained by collecting bonuses, damaging the competitors' cars, or by running over pedestrians. Races are completed by either completing the course as one would a normal racing game, "wasting" (wrecking) all other race cars, or killing all pedestrians on the level.
The game featured instrumental versions of songs from Fear Factory's album Demanufacture, with the song Zero Signal being used in the game's intro. The other songs from the album that appear are Demanufacture and Body Hammer.


The game that became Carmageddon started out as "3D Destruction Derby", a banger racing sim prototyped by Stainless Software. This was signed by SCi in 1995, but the banger-racing angle was soon dropped and for a while the game was to use the Mad Max license. This fell through, and was replaced by the Death Race 2000 license, as a sequel to the original film was at that time planned (it eventually emerged as a comic book). This introduced the running-over of pedestrians into the game. When this license also fell through, SCi and Stainless took the decision to proceed with the game anyway, creating their own IP. The name "Carmageddon" was coined, and development proceeded with the designers allowed unusually free rein with regard to the content of the game.
Carmageddon was originally released on the PC (for DOS) in 1997, and was eventually ported to Microsoft Windows (1997), Macintosh (1997), PlayStation (1999), Nintendo 64 (2000) and Game Boy Color (2001). The PlayStation and Nintendo 64 versions of Carmageddon are more similar to Carmageddon II. The Nintendo 64 port was ill-received, being N64 Magazine's lowest rated game at 8% from 1999 till 2004. A port of the first game was in development for the Gizmondo, but was never released due to the system's demise. A new version of the game was released for iOS on October 17, 2012. A version for Android devices has been released on May 10, 2013.

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Cardinal Syn [U] ISO

Cardinal Syn [U] ISO

Description :

Cardinal Syn is a fighting game developed by Kronos Digital Entertainment, the creators of Criticom and Dark Rift, and published by Sony through their 989 Studios in 1998.


Cardinal Syn is 3D fighting game with free roaming features that allows you to move around a small interactive stage during the fight, similar to Ehrgeiz. The combatants are designed out of a dark fantasy world similar to Dungeons & Dragons, a great number of them non-human, each armed with melee weapons fitting for the style. The title gave access to combos, juggles, stage hazards, finishing moves, projectiles and battlefield powerups.


Warfare had engulfed the Clans of the Bloodlands for numerous generations, each having a great hatred for the other. But one day a mysterious being put a stop to the carnage, summoning all the clans together and read from his Book of Knowledge which spoke of the harmony they could achieve by uniting in peace. For many years, the Clans put aside their weapons and enjoyed peace under the guidance of the stranger they had named the "Wanderer". Then when the land seemed to be paling and dying, the stranger divided the Book into scrolls and gave one to each clan before he vanished before their very eyes. It took no time at all before the Clans were at each other's throats, vying for control of all the scrolls in the Book's entirety and war again fiercely reclaimed the Bloodlands.
And then, in the middle of a particularly brutal battle, a maysterious magic woman named Syn appeared brandishing the icon of the Wanderer that he had used as a symbol of clan unity. She coerced the clan leaders to hand their scrolls over to her where she turned them into three inscribed swords which held the knowledge of the Book. She then declared a tournament. Each clan would send its greatest warrior to engage in battles to the death. The survivor and winner of the tournament would be declared ruler of their Clan and given the entire Bloodlands to command, as well as gain access to the secrets of the swords. Yet that first tournament saw no winner, as Syn herself secretly killed the final warrior. Centuries passed and the wars raged on but now a new tournament is about to be held and the Clan leaders are sending their very best to battle for the rite to power.


Starting characters:
  • Finkster, from the Clan of the Thieves, hopes to steal the Book of Secrets and sell it to the highest bidder.
  • Hecklar, from the Clan of the Jester, formerly Syn's court jester, he wants to be taken seriously as a hero.
  • McKrieg, from the Clan of the Dwarves, wants to gain power to stop the recent raids on his clan's villages by the Lizardfolk.
  • Mongoro, from the Clan of the Cyclops, the strongest cyclops, he only wants to kill and eat whoever is unfortunate to cross his path.
  • Nephra, from the Clan of the Sethite, she works to please a mysterious stone idol, the three swords are its latest request.
  • Princess Orion, from Clan of the Elves, wants to save her kingdom and ailing father.
  • Plague, from the Clan of the Wretched, hopes to raise an army of undead using Syn's power.
  • Vanguard, from the Clan of the Knights, fights to uphold truth, justice, and the protection of his people.
Unlockable characters:
  • Bimorphia, a grotesque male/female construct made by Syn, seeking revenge and to destroy the secrets which created him/her.
  • Moloch, fom the Clan of the Lizardfolk, seeking revenge on humanity in general, and wants a world ruled by his species.
  • Juni, from the Clan of the Fairies, defeating Syn will stop her lands from dying.
  • Kahn, from the Clan of the Marauders, defeating Syn will prove himself to be the strongest warrior in all of the Bloodlands.
  • Kron, Syn after undergoing a dragon transformation using the full extent of her power.
  • Mongwan, from the Clan of the Ascetics, practically same storyline as Vodu.
  • Redemptor, leads a mysterious cult who execute criminals, his true intention is unknown.
  • Stygian, a pile of assorted bones reanimated by Syn's magic, seeks power to become alive once more.
  • Syn, the evil sorceress herself.
  • Vodu', from the Clan of the Shamans, had a terrible vision, and sets out to stop an imminent apocalypse caused by Syn.

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Card Captor Sakura - Clowcard Magic (Japan) ISO

Card Captor Sakura - Clowcard Magic (Japan) ISO

Description :

Card Captor Sakura: Clow Card Magic is a Puzzle game, developed and published by Arika, which was released in Japan in 2000.

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Captain Tsubasa J - Get In The Tomorrow (Japan) ISO

Captain Tsubasa J - Get In The Tomorrow (Japan) ISO

Description :

Captain Tsubasa J: Get In The Tomorrow (キャプテン翼J ゲットインザトゥモロウ?) is a Japan-exclusive action/cinematic soccer video game released in 1995 by Bandai for the PlayStation. The game is one of few to have two modes: a friendly match mode and a story mode in which you follow the plot of the actual anime.

Story Mode

The story line first starts off in the junior World Cup grand final between Japan and Germany. During this first match, you are likely to learn that it is difficult to score against the German keeper, Deuter Müller. However, each time you finish a match no matter if it was a defeat or draw, your players gain experience points making the next retry easier.
After winning a number of games with Japan Junior, the focus changes to Shingo Aoi (葵新伍) just as it does in the anime.

Player Levels

Each player can reach a maximum of level 100. Increasing a player's level boosts all his stats including speed, power, stamina, and shooting. Particular players will also learn special shots at certain levels. Note that each player's level corresponds only to one team and one mode. For example, Tsubasa Oozora (大空翼)'s level may not be the same when choosing Japan and Japan Junior. Be sure to save your data whether it is in story or friendly match mode.

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