
Monday 8 July 2013

Cubix Robots for Everyone - Race'n Robots [U] ISO

Cubix Robots for Everyone - Race'n Robots [U] ISO

Description :

Cubix - Robots For Everyone: Race'n Robots is an Action game, developed by Blitz Games and published by 3DO, which was released in 2001.

Wouldn't you know it, out of nowhere a game appears for a recently released kids show... what a surprise! ^_^; Normally, this is a recipe for disaster, but thankfully this is not the case, especially for a product bearing the 3DO mark.

Cubix: Race'n Robots is based on the popular animated kids show, which is worth checking out if you're into the new breed of 100% computer generated shows, but I digress.

In this game you control one of the the four main character's robots as you race them around the neighborhoods of Bubbletown. There's the basic one player mode, as well as ''coin'' and multiplayer races. Knowing that this was a game for the little ones up front, I knew not to expect Gran Turismo, and I was right... that doesn't mean it was bad however.

The graphics are really pretty decent and represent the day-glow world of the future very well. You race from a medium-far overhead isometric view... different. It works as you can still see where everything is and where you're going. Having this one fixed camera position on a kids game is a good idea, the little ones have other things to think about. There's no pop-up thanks to the camera angle, and I didn't see any slowdown anywhere... Come to think of it, this game moves along at a pretty good clip.

The sound and music are as light and peppy as a box of Juicy Juice and a handful of fruit rollups... No problems there. There seems to only be a few songs that are actually used, but I'm nit-picking, 99% of you will never notice that, I barely do.

The control is simplicity itself, just push forward on the left analog knob and use X to use your powerups. Simple, elegant, and to the point. Why can't other kids games get this right? As for how that translates into actual gameplay, not bad. There was only a few times I felt out of control as I bounced around like a pinball for a few moments. This may or may not mean frustration for the youngest players.

The gameplay is interesting... because you move at a fixed rate of speed, doing well to earn upgrades for your 'bots is important. An interesting feature is that when you buy a powerup, say a ''Nitro Scoop'' for example, the item can be used on any of the 'bots, so you can use a different 'bot each time with no penalty. Meanwhile, back on the track, in addition to a few powerups lying about, there are two kinds of ''speed bumps''. Green ones speed you up, and red ones slow you down. In the long run, I find myself ignoring the powerups unless I happen to run into one and just think about navigating the next turn.

As for replay, at least the game is fun and there are a few extras to pick up here and there, an extra robot or two, as well as a few snapshots of various robots. Enough to want me play an extra few times. And if I didn't mention it before, the many cutscenes, which are taken directly taken from the show, are pretty darn good. It's amazing how good this show looks actually, but I'm digressing again. ^_^;

The only real sore point is the save game function... It's needlessly complicated for a kids game... selecting the save screen, as well as saving the game itself could have been streamlined greatly... just be careful or you may end up NOT saving and NOT know it if you're not paying attention, so be aware. It's like they resented even having to include the save feature... which is in an odd spot anyway... the level select screen! Huh? Oh well.

Only 9 race levels? No race against the Boss? No cool game intro? Hmmm... These things are likely victims of making it a speedy release to market. Besides, it's a kids game, and they likely figured the tots wouldn't notice.

The difficulty also a bit unbalanced... You'll find it's either really, really easy, (which is most of the time), or vexingly difficult. I snapped through the entire 9 standard race levels in under an hour, but I likely never will get the hang of that coin race!

So should you rent or buy this game? It's a full-on rental for anyone to be sure. But considering the fickle nature of kids and the mixed level of challenge... Ummm, $20 or less would be acceptable. $10 would be ideal. If you've got kids, and you're buying this for them, you'll be glad to know that the content is about as safe as it gets for an action game. Considering this game is as good as it is makes it even more amazing for a kids game, which are usually pretty lame. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to get in a round or two for yourself before your kids get back from school!

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