
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Casper - Friends Around The World [U] ISO

Casper - Friends Around The World [U] ISO

Description :

BOO! A kooky spooky curse has been cast on Cast on Casper's mortal mates! Travel the globe to rescue them and jump, levitate, parachute, fling ghostly spheres and spring into action to battle boo bombs, evil spirits,, Casper's unfriendly uncles, and the evil kingpin himself, Kibosh! Scare off evil enemy spirits with ghostly spheres! Travel to 11 different locations around the world! Parachute, levitate and duck to avoid damaging obstacles. 3 skill levels to master: easy, medium, and hard. Pick-up special abilities: strength, speed, and spring!

"The video game equivalent of being punched in the face"

With every video game system comes a list of games that make said system an absolute must-own must-play. Yet, for every great game worth owning, there are at least a dozen or more games that should be avoided like the plague. I realize that this is a game meant for kids, but I think making them play this should be considered abuse.

STORY: 3 / 10

Awful. Kids the world over chill with a ghost, get sent back to their respective countries by an evil ghost named Kibosh (awful name, I know) and everyone knows every detail the WHOLE TIME! Oh, you have to rescue your uncles, too. Yet, though they seem grateful for their respective rescues, they offer no assistance towards your final goal. Upon completion of this... "game"... viewing the exceptionally bad ending offers no satisfaction.

GRAPHICS: 6 / 10

Considering the source material and how awful the rest of the game is, the graphics are not actually too bad at some points. The opening cutscene is serviceable (for a Playstation title, anyway) and some of the character models look pretty good. But as soon as you think there may be redemption to be found with Casper, the game shows it true colors with it's look-alike enemies and horrible level design. It's to the point where the graphics of the last cutscene are worse than the opening scene! Worse! You're supposed to be rewarded for beating a video game!

SOUND: 2 / 10

The music in this game is horribly redundant. It won't seem so bad at first, but after hearing the song tracks repeat you'll be reaching for the mute button in no time.

All of the sound effects range from bad to worse, especially the "boo bombs". Try as I might, I cannot come up with even one sound clip that wasn't worth muting.

On top of everything, the voice acting helps in no way. Casper's one liners make this bad gaming experience much worse. Hearing them once is hard enough. Yet hearing how "spoooook-tacular" an overly pixelated view from the top of the level is over and over again only makes the headache turn into a migraine. Hey Casper, here's a hint: laughing at your own jokes does NOT make them any funnier! But it doesn't stop there: the voice acting on every child simply hurts to hear. Their acting is so bad they're not even credited!

CONTROL: 3 / 10

Sluggish and unresponsive controls absolutely plague this game. You only jump when the game decides. Guided rails are a torture. You're only allowed to walk along horizontal or vertical "rails" that can barely be seen, if at all. Not satisfied with torturing gamers with atrocious controls on guided rails, Casper is not allowed to jump, duck or shoot while on vertical rails! As if all of his "abilities" simply fade away while walking away or towards the screen!

GAMEPLAY: 4 / 10

Ugh. Combine all of the aforementioned "features" of Casper: Friends Around the World and you're left with a mess. At it's heart, C:FAtW is your basic platformer. There are 10 levels, all of which play exactly the same: collect crystals, find a map, find a kid. This wouldn't be so bad by itself. But this game must show off how bad it is with horrid level design and it's pathetic map page mini games.

The level designs are almost boring. They would be if all that was needed was to go straight from point A to point B. But if you want all the crystals, which you need to fight the final boss, you will experience some of the most poorly designed levels in Playstation history. Imagine, if you will, there are 2 or more crystals on the top of a tower. You have to be at the start of the level to reach the top. Falling at any point brings you close to the end of the level. The only way back to the top is to very slowly make your way back to the very beginning of the level, as Casper, a ghost, can neither fly nor pass through walls.

But wait! There's more! You need to find a map page before you can complete any stage. In order to do this you must play the worst version of Brick-out ever conceived. Anything you hit in this mini-game blows up to cover around 60% of the screen, making it very easy to mess up any progress. I mean, honestly, how could anybody developing this even think this was a good idea? Layering the misery on further, should you miss the map page due to the unnecessary graphical obstructions, you lose a life! This must truly have been a really mean joke from the game's designers.

No enemy is redeemable. Bad bosses that are no fun to fight. Look-alike enemies that exercise borderline racism. You get power-ups, but they're more or less a waste of time. In fact, this game is so awful it doesn't even have credits at the end!

OVERALL: 4 / 10

You may be able to find this game at a yard sale for 50 cents. Trust me, save the money. Unless you're into bad games, of course, them jump right in, because this is a prime example of how not to make a video game. Honestly, I boosted the score to a 4 simply out of pity.

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