
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Boombots [U] ISO

Boombots [U] ISO

Description :

Boombots is a 3D Fighting game, developed by The Neverhood and published by SouthPeak Games, which was released in 1999.

Story 9/10
Evil cat aliens have stolen all the housecats all over the world, and now plan to rule..... or destroy the earth!!!
Dr.Pick a scientist creates a team of robots called the Boombots to save the world (and cats)from the aliens and blow up their planet! LOL! Great story!! The game is funny and weird, so why can't the story be? No 10 because it gets confusing a little when you play the game.

Graphics 7/10
The graphics are not exactly good they can be blocky and chunky. But sometimes it looks neat (the Neverhood arena looks just like clay, what its supposed to look like). But the blocky graphics make it a 7.

Controls 10/10
Excellent controls. Your charecter does just what he or she is supossed to do. Press X and you jump, square to shoot your barrel gun. Simple to do. You wont have a problem with the controls.

Gameplay 6/10

A little confusing. Its like a fighting game mixed with platfomer games. Just try to kill your opponent. Little dots give you power for your missles, gun, and to max your power meter out to turn into a Mongo Boombot, which make you turn big and shoot mongo balls. There are hearts to give you energy,shields to protect you from missles, and a X 2 icon that make your weapons a little more powerful for a limited time. Takes a while to get used to.

Sound/Music 9/10
Whoa pretty good. Lets start with sound, all charecters have voices and one liners but this ain't no Clayfighter.
They only say something when they beat a match. No annoying, repeating voices here. The sound is good too. Missles have the BOOM sound The Boombots grunt when they gey hit, and it all has a cartooney feel to it. Now for the music. It is all done well thanks to Terry Taylor, but you can barrly hear it from the BOOM sounds, so turn the sound off at the option screen. The songs can get stuck in your head, so it deseves a 9/10.

Charecters 10/10
Like what Tony The Tiger would say ''They'rrre GREAT!!''
A giant robot named Pittsburgh with USA typer decorations on him. A giant hockey playing robot named O Canada with Canadian stuff on her (yes its a she). Klaymen a Earthworm Jim look a alike (hey he is from the creator)from Other games The Neverhood made like Skullmonkeys and the Hit PC game...... Ironiclly called The Neverhood. And some other great ideas for Boombots.  

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